Sacramento (Lied)

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(Beispiele für "Wir holen den DFB-Pokal und wir werden deutscher Meister!")
(Der Versionsvergleich bezieht 22 dazwischenliegende Versionen mit ein.)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
'''Sacramento''' ist eins der Lieder, mit dem [[Joshua Jefferson]] um die stattliche Opersängerin [[Victoria Jefferson|Victoria Miller]] warb. Noch Jahre nach seinem Tod erinnert sich Victoria mit Wehmut daran. Darum ist ihr auch das [[Banjo]], auf dem Joshua seinen Gesang begleitete, besonders ans Herz gewachsen.
'''Sacramento''' ist eins der Lieder, mit dem [[Joshua Jefferson]] um die stattliche Opersängerin [[Victoria Jefferson|Victoria Miller]] warb. Noch Jahre nach seinem Tod erinnert sich Victoria mit Wehmut daran. Darum ist ihr auch das [[Banjo]], auf dem Joshua seinen Gesang begleitete, besonders ans Herz gewachsen.
Die anderen beiden Lieder heißen ''[[Clementine]]'' und ''[[O, Shenandoah]]''.
Die anderen beiden Lieder heißen ''[[Clementine (Lied)|Clementine]]'' und ''[[O, Shenandoah]]''.
== Text ==
== Texte ==
Das Sacramento-Lied hat keinen festen Text. Es entstand in der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts als Kombination der Lieder ''Camptown Races'' und ''Ho! for California!'' - von ersterem stammen die Melodie und der lautmalerische Kehrreim "Doodah, doodah!", von letzterem der Refrain. Es wurde in diversen Varianten als Seemannsshanty, als Goldsuchersong oder als Siedlerlied gesungen. Es gibt sogar eine merkwürdige, plattdeutsch-englische Mischfassung. Schließlich wird auf die Melodie des Refrains auch gern in deutschen Fußballstadien gegrölt: "Wir holen den DFB-Pokal und wir werden deutscher Meister!"
=== Die beiden Ursprungslieder ===
! ''Ho! for California!'' (Hutchinson Family, 1849) || ''Camptown Races'' (Stephen Foster, 1850)
| valign="top" |
{| style="background:#f7f8ff;border:1px solid #8888aa;border-collapse:collapse;margin:10px 0;padding:5px;{{{style|}}}" cellpadding="10"
''1. Strophe:''
We've formed our band and are well mann'd,
To journey afar to the promised land,
Where the golden ore is rich in store,
On the banks of the Sacramento shore.
Then, ho! Brothers ho!
To California go.
There's plenty of gold
in the world we’re told,
On the banks of the Sacramento.
Heigh O, and away we go,
Digging up gold in Francisco.
''2. Strophe:''
O! don't you cry, nor heave a sigh,
For we'll all come back again, bye-and-bye,
Don't breathe a fear, nor shed a tear,
But patiently wait for about two year.
{| cellpadding="10"
| 1.
Around Cape Horn we're bound to go,<br>
Sacramento, Sacramento,<br>
Around Cape Horn thro' sleet and snow,<br>
To the banks o' Sacramento.<br>
| 2.
Around Cape Horn in the month of May,<br>
''3. Strophe:''
Sacramento, Sacramento,<br>
As the gold is thar, most any whar,
Around Cape Horn is a very long way.<br>
And they dig it out with an iron bar,
To the banks o' Sacramento.<br>
And where 'tis thick, with a spade or pick,
They can take out lumps as heavy as brick.
''4. Strophe:''
As we explore that distant shore,-
We'll fill our pockets with the shining ore;
And how 'twill sound, as the word goes round,
Of our picking up gold by the dozen pound.
''5. Strophe:''
We expect our share of the coarsest fare,
And sometimes to sleep in the open air,
Upon the cold ground we shall all sleep sound
Except when the wolves are howling round.
''6. Strophe:''
As off we roam over the dark sea foam,
We'll never forget our friends at home
For memories kind will bring to mind
The thoughts of those we leave behind.
''7. Strophe:''
In the days of old, the Prophets told
Of the City to come, all framed in gold,
Peradventure they forsaw the day,
Now dawning in California.
''8. Strophe:''
O! the land we'll save, for the bold and brave-
Have determined there never shall breathe a slave;
Let foes recoil, for the sons of toil
Shall make California God's free soil.
Then, ho! Brothers ho!
To California go.
No slave shall toil
On God's Free Soil,
On the banks of the Sacramento.
Heigh O, and away we go,
Chanting our songs of Freedom, O.
| valign="top" | {{Zitat|
''1. Strophe:''
De Camptown ladies sing dis song – Doo-dah! doo-dah!
De Camptown racetrack five miles long – Oh! doo-dah day!
I come down dah wid my hat caved in – Doo-dah! doo-dah!
I go back home wid a pocket full of tin – Oh! doo-dah day!
Gwine to run all night! Gwine to run all day!
I'll bet my money on de bob-tail nag – Somebody bet on de bay!
''2. Strophe:''
De long tail filly and de big black hoss - Doo-dah! doo-dah!
Dey fly de track and dey both cut across - Oh! doo-dah day!
De blind hoss sticken in a big mud hole - Doo-dah! doo-dah!
Can't touch bottom wid a ten foot pole - Oh! doo-dah day!
''3. Strophe:''
Old muley cow come on to de track – Doo-dah! doo-dah!
De bob-tail fling her ober his back – Oh! doo-dah day!
Den fly along like a rail-road car – Doo-dah! doo-dah!
Runnin' a race with a shootin' star – Oh! doo-dah day!
''4. Strophe:''
Seen dem flyin' on a ten mile heat – Doo-dah! doo-dah!
Round de race track, den repeat – Oh! doo-dah day!
I win my money on de bob-tail nag – Doo-dah! doo-dah!
I keep my money in an old tow-bag – Oh! doo-dah day!
=== Diverse Fassungen des Sacramento-Lieds ===
! ''On the Banks of Sacramento'' || ''Der Hamborger Veermaster''
| 3.
| {{Zitat|
To Sacramento we're bound away<br>
Sacramento, Sacramento,<br>
''1. Strophe:''
To Sacramento is a very long way.<br>
A bully ship and a bully crew, - Doo-dah! Doo-dah!
To the banks o' Sacramento.<br>
A bully mate and a captain, too, - Doo-dah! Doo-dah-day!
Then blow, ye winds, hi-oh,
For Californ-i-o,
There's plenty of gold,
So I've been told,
On the banks of Sacramento!
''2. Strophe:''
Oh, heave, my lads, oh heave and sing, - Doo-dah! Doo-dah!
Oh, heave and make those oak sticks sing. - Doo-dah! Doo-dah-day!
| valign="top" | '''Refrain:'''
Blow, boys, blow for California, O!<br>
''3. Strophe:''
There's plenty o' gold so I've been told,<br>
Our money gone, we shipped to go, - Doo-dah! Doo-dah!
On the banks o' Sacramento.
Around Cape Horn, through ice and snow. - Doo-dah! Doo-dah-day!
''4. Strophe:''
Oh, around the Horn with a mainskys'l set - Doo-dah! Doo-dah!
Around Cape Horn and we're all wringin' wet. - Doo-dah! Doo-dah-day!
''5. Strophe:''
Around Cape Horn in the month of May, - Doo-dah! Doo-dah!
With storm winds blowing every day. - Doo-dah! Doo-dah-day!
''6. Strophe:''
It was in the year eighteen forty-nine, - Doo-dah! Doo-dah!
It was in the year eighteen forty-nine. - Doo-dah! Doo-dah-day!
| valign="top" | {{Zitat|
''1. Strophe:''
Ick heff mol en Hamborger Veermaster sehn, - To my hoo-dah, to my hoo-dah!
De Masten so scheef as den Schipper sien Been. - To my hoo-dah, hoo-dah ho!
Blow, boys, blow,
for Californio!
There's plenty of gold,
so I've been told
on the banks of Sacramento.
''2. Strophe:''
Dat Deck weer vun Isen, vull Schiet un vull Smeer, - To my hoo-dah, to my hoo-dah!
Dat weer de Schietgäng ehr schönstes Pläseer. - To my hoo-dah, hoo-dah ho!
''3. Strophe:''
Dat Logis weer vull Wanzen, de Kombüs weer vull Schiet, - To my hoo-dah, to my hoo-dah!
De Beschüten, de leupen von sülven all wiet. - To my hoo-dah, hoo-dah ho!
''4. Strophe:''
Dat Soltfleesch weer gröön, un de Speck weer vull Moden, - To my hoo-dah, to my hoo-dah!
Köm gäv dat bloß an Wiehnachtsobend. - To my hoo-dah, hoo-dah ho!
''5. Strophe:''
Un wulln wi mol seiln, ick segg dat jo nur, - To my hoo-dah, to my hoo-dah!
Denn lööp he dree vorut und veer wedder retur. - To my hoo-dah, hoo-dah ho!
''6. Strophe:''
As dat Schipp weer, so weer ok de Kaptein, - To my hoo-dah, to my hoo-dah!
De Lud for dat Schipp weurn ok blot schangheit. - To my hoo-dah, hoo-dah ho!
== Externer Link ==
== Externe Links ==
*[ Text, Noten und Melodie auf]
=== ''Ho! for California!'' ===
*[ Hintergrundartikel]
=== ''Camptown Races'' ===
*[ Wikipedia-Artikel]
*[ ''Camptown Races'', gesungen von Billy Murray 1911]
*[ ''Camptown Races'', gesungen von John Cleese in ''Fawlty Towers''] (ab 12:46)
=== ''On the Banks of Sacramento'' ===
*[ Hintergrundartikel]
*[ Fassungen]
=== ''Hamborger Veermaster'' ===
*[ Wikipedia-Artikel]
=== Beispiele für "Wir holen den DFB-Pokal und wir werden deutscher Meister!" ===
*[ Borussia Dortmund]
*[ Eintracht Frankfurt]
== Interner Link ==
== An ''Sacramento'' erinnert sich Mrs. Jefferson in folgendem Mosaikheft ==
== An ''Sacramento'' erinnert sich Mrs. Jefferson in folgendem Mosaikheft ==

Aktuelle Version vom 10:02, 16. Okt. 2021

Sacramento ist eins der Lieder, mit dem Joshua Jefferson um die stattliche Opersängerin Victoria Miller warb. Noch Jahre nach seinem Tod erinnert sich Victoria mit Wehmut daran. Darum ist ihr auch das Banjo, auf dem Joshua seinen Gesang begleitete, besonders ans Herz gewachsen.

Die anderen beiden Lieder heißen Clementine und O, Shenandoah.


[Bearbeiten] Texte

Das Sacramento-Lied hat keinen festen Text. Es entstand in der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts als Kombination der Lieder Camptown Races und Ho! for California! - von ersterem stammen die Melodie und der lautmalerische Kehrreim "Doodah, doodah!", von letzterem der Refrain. Es wurde in diversen Varianten als Seemannsshanty, als Goldsuchersong oder als Siedlerlied gesungen. Es gibt sogar eine merkwürdige, plattdeutsch-englische Mischfassung. Schließlich wird auf die Melodie des Refrains auch gern in deutschen Fußballstadien gegrölt: "Wir holen den DFB-Pokal und wir werden deutscher Meister!"

[Bearbeiten] Die beiden Ursprungslieder

Ho! for California! (Hutchinson Family, 1849) Camptown Races (Stephen Foster, 1850)

1. Strophe:
We've formed our band and are well mann'd,
To journey afar to the promised land,
Where the golden ore is rich in store,
On the banks of the Sacramento shore.

Then, ho! Brothers ho!
To California go.
There's plenty of gold
in the world we’re told,
On the banks of the Sacramento.
Heigh O, and away we go,
Digging up gold in Francisco.

2. Strophe:
O! don't you cry, nor heave a sigh,
For we'll all come back again, bye-and-bye,
Don't breathe a fear, nor shed a tear,
But patiently wait for about two year.


3. Strophe:
As the gold is thar, most any whar,
And they dig it out with an iron bar,
And where 'tis thick, with a spade or pick,
They can take out lumps as heavy as brick.


4. Strophe:
As we explore that distant shore,-
We'll fill our pockets with the shining ore;
And how 'twill sound, as the word goes round,
Of our picking up gold by the dozen pound.


5. Strophe:
We expect our share of the coarsest fare,
And sometimes to sleep in the open air,
Upon the cold ground we shall all sleep sound
Except when the wolves are howling round.


6. Strophe:
As off we roam over the dark sea foam,
We'll never forget our friends at home
For memories kind will bring to mind
The thoughts of those we leave behind.


7. Strophe:
In the days of old, the Prophets told
Of the City to come, all framed in gold,
Peradventure they forsaw the day,
Now dawning in California.


8. Strophe:
O! the land we'll save, for the bold and brave-
Have determined there never shall breathe a slave;
Let foes recoil, for the sons of toil
Shall make California God's free soil.

Then, ho! Brothers ho!
To California go.
No slave shall toil
On God's Free Soil,
On the banks of the Sacramento.
Heigh O, and away we go,
Chanting our songs of Freedom, O.

1. Strophe:
De Camptown ladies sing dis song – Doo-dah! doo-dah!
De Camptown racetrack five miles long – Oh! doo-dah day!
I come down dah wid my hat caved in – Doo-dah! doo-dah!
I go back home wid a pocket full of tin – Oh! doo-dah day!

Gwine to run all night! Gwine to run all day!
I'll bet my money on de bob-tail nag – Somebody bet on de bay!

2. Strophe:
De long tail filly and de big black hoss - Doo-dah! doo-dah!
Dey fly de track and dey both cut across - Oh! doo-dah day!
De blind hoss sticken in a big mud hole - Doo-dah! doo-dah!
Can't touch bottom wid a ten foot pole - Oh! doo-dah day!


3. Strophe:
Old muley cow come on to de track – Doo-dah! doo-dah!
De bob-tail fling her ober his back – Oh! doo-dah day!
Den fly along like a rail-road car – Doo-dah! doo-dah!
Runnin' a race with a shootin' star – Oh! doo-dah day!


4. Strophe:
Seen dem flyin' on a ten mile heat – Doo-dah! doo-dah!
Round de race track, den repeat – Oh! doo-dah day!
I win my money on de bob-tail nag – Doo-dah! doo-dah!
I keep my money in an old tow-bag – Oh! doo-dah day!


[Bearbeiten] Diverse Fassungen des Sacramento-Lieds

On the Banks of Sacramento Der Hamborger Veermaster

1. Strophe:
A bully ship and a bully crew, - Doo-dah! Doo-dah!
A bully mate and a captain, too, - Doo-dah! Doo-dah-day!

Then blow, ye winds, hi-oh,
For Californ-i-o,
There's plenty of gold,
So I've been told,
On the banks of Sacramento!

2. Strophe:
Oh, heave, my lads, oh heave and sing, - Doo-dah! Doo-dah!
Oh, heave and make those oak sticks sing. - Doo-dah! Doo-dah-day!


3. Strophe:
Our money gone, we shipped to go, - Doo-dah! Doo-dah!
Around Cape Horn, through ice and snow. - Doo-dah! Doo-dah-day!


4. Strophe:
Oh, around the Horn with a mainskys'l set - Doo-dah! Doo-dah!
Around Cape Horn and we're all wringin' wet. - Doo-dah! Doo-dah-day!


5. Strophe:
Around Cape Horn in the month of May, - Doo-dah! Doo-dah!
With storm winds blowing every day. - Doo-dah! Doo-dah-day!


6. Strophe:
It was in the year eighteen forty-nine, - Doo-dah! Doo-dah!
It was in the year eighteen forty-nine. - Doo-dah! Doo-dah-day!


1. Strophe:
Ick heff mol en Hamborger Veermaster sehn, - To my hoo-dah, to my hoo-dah!
De Masten so scheef as den Schipper sien Been. - To my hoo-dah, hoo-dah ho!

Blow, boys, blow,
for Californio!
There's plenty of gold,
so I've been told
on the banks of Sacramento.

2. Strophe:
Dat Deck weer vun Isen, vull Schiet un vull Smeer, - To my hoo-dah, to my hoo-dah!
Dat weer de Schietgäng ehr schönstes Pläseer. - To my hoo-dah, hoo-dah ho!


3. Strophe:
Dat Logis weer vull Wanzen, de Kombüs weer vull Schiet, - To my hoo-dah, to my hoo-dah!
De Beschüten, de leupen von sülven all wiet. - To my hoo-dah, hoo-dah ho!


4. Strophe:
Dat Soltfleesch weer gröön, un de Speck weer vull Moden, - To my hoo-dah, to my hoo-dah!
Köm gäv dat bloß an Wiehnachtsobend. - To my hoo-dah, hoo-dah ho!


5. Strophe:
Un wulln wi mol seiln, ick segg dat jo nur, - To my hoo-dah, to my hoo-dah!
Denn lööp he dree vorut und veer wedder retur. - To my hoo-dah, hoo-dah ho!


6. Strophe:
As dat Schipp weer, so weer ok de Kaptein, - To my hoo-dah, to my hoo-dah!
De Lud for dat Schipp weurn ok blot schangheit. - To my hoo-dah, hoo-dah ho!


[Bearbeiten] Externe Links

[Bearbeiten] Ho! for California!

[Bearbeiten] Camptown Races

[Bearbeiten] On the Banks of Sacramento

[Bearbeiten] Hamborger Veermaster

[Bearbeiten] Beispiele für "Wir holen den DFB-Pokal und wir werden deutscher Meister!"

[Bearbeiten] Interner Link

[Bearbeiten] An Sacramento erinnert sich Mrs. Jefferson in folgendem Mosaikheft